Cycling Club website


This is a WordPress site made for my locally cycling club as part of my Birkbeck degree.

I made a WordPress theme to create a customised look and feel for the site. I made the theme in such a way to ensure the site was as editable as possible.

I also made a Google Calender plugin and several Gutenberg block WordPress plugins. The Google Calender plugin fetches data and displays events from a Google Calender on the home page. The Gutenberg Block plugins allow a logged in user to add custom design features via a CMS. These are created by installing the block editor library into a plugin file and then building the block by modifying an edit and save file. The block editor library is based on an adaption of React - a JavaScript library.

I initially created a HTML/CSS demo and used Vitest to test it. Finally, I used Cypress to test the final website.